The shoes we create are work of art
into each one we put our heart
Repairs or custom-made shoes.
Shoes that last!
Do you feel that your favourite shoes have worn out and you are comfortable in them? You don't have to give them up!
Almost everything can be repaired. Only rarely we state that they are unrepairable.
Below you will find only a brief list of our services. Almost anything can be done, which is why we are fully open to individual arrangements, ideally by a personal visit to one of our branches.
Shoemaking and footwear repairs

We can custom make or repair any kind of footwear - from home shoes to luxury leather Oxfords, handmade shoes and much more...
Historical and theatre / stage footwear

Themed shoes, shoes for stage costumes and dancing shoes, shoes for swordplay, for dance troupes, boots and full leather historical shoes.
Are you interested in any of our service? Order it using the form below or visit us at one of our branches