The seamstress works with precise care
Her craft - a beauty, beyond compare
We will dress your home in new!
With the help of our designer we can design your interior, the use of materials and provide complete fabrication.
Sewing in a unified style

Not only for cottagers! We make curtains, napkins, custom-made seat cushions and more.. All in a unified style!
Home furnishing accessories

Pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths and more...
Repair and alteration of clothing

Especially zipper replacements, length cuts, patching...
Decorative and practical sewing

Sewing curtains, curtains, pocket squares, fabric bags and other...
Historical costumes and uniforms

A costume with historical accuracy? No problem! Tell us your specifications and we will take care of the result.
Sewing bags, backpacks...

We also sew specifically to the customer's request!
Are you interested in any of our service? Order it using the form below or visit us at one of our branches